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Yes, Cartter with two Ts

An opportunity for the Cartter family to communicate - if you're one of us, jump in! If you're not a Cartter, leave a comment someplace anyway - I'd like to know who's stopping by. Otherwise, I'm just going to ramble until a Cartter comes in with questions... Astutia Et Animo

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Location: Glendale, Arizona, United States

My blog has moved to The O Word. See you there!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Well, I USED to be a nerd!

I was going to start a missive about Logan – and realized that I don’t have enough HTML experience (OK, I have none. That’s bad, considering I used to be considered a Computer Nerd of the First Order back in the day) to make a “link” to a “previous post” so you could “click” on it and see his “picture.” I think it’s so cool when you are able to instantly reference something like that.

I also need to figure out how to start putting links on my side bar to other blogs that I find interesting. Not that you would find those blogs to be of interest to you just because I do, but to let you know where my thinking is.

Now, I feel the need to go out and get an “HTML For Dummies” book. Any suggestions?


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